Stories From home
Here at Golden Eagle Syrup we pride ourselves on sprinkling a little golden goodness in our consumers lives, here's what they have to say.
The Hammerick Family
I am originally from Tuscaloosa, now living in Phoenix Arizona. My family and I love your product.
I panicked as Christmas was approaching and I realized I was running. short. One of our traditions is home made biscuits made from "Secret" family recipe. My boys (age 50 & 46) were pleased when I advised that the world was right side up again----as the new shipment of Golden Eagle had arrived in time for their Christmas visit.
We have had home made biscuits lovingly served with scrambled eggs, bacon and enhanced by Golden Eagle syrup for the last week. I am going to have to re-order!
Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Healthy and Prosperous New Year!
Melanie B
Golden Eagle syrup is the best syrup in the world, in my opinion. I live in Washington State and still pay the shipping for Golden Eagle. We always had a jar on the table or sideboard when I was growing up. In fact the only syrups we ever had in the house was Golden Eagle, Black Strap Molasses, and Karo. The other two were only used for cooking, Golden Eagle was the only table syrup we ever had.
Stacy S
I’m from Alabama and adore this syrup!
When the pandemic hit suddenly I couldn’t find it anywhere, so I was thrilled to find your website! The day it was delivered we made biscuits and sopped the syrup and butter mixture from our childhood (my sister and I), it was delicious and tasted the same as we remembered.
Thank you so much for making it easy to have our favorite syrup in the house again!
The caramel corn that came in the package was delicious too. Thank you so much!!
Ray E
I had never heard of Golden Eagle syrup until I saw a YouTube video of a pecan pie recipe where the cook was using this syrup. I was looking from something different so I gave it a try with three pies so far. The blend of cane, corn, molasses and honey creates a very distinct and delicious pecan pie. I added a little extra molasses for a darker color and the result was awesome. I wish local retailers here in the Houston area carried this product but the internet always delivers. I also loved the extra package of kettle corn that was included as a special thank you. I love doing business with family owned companies like yours and this was a very positive experience.
Melanie B
I grew up in Alabama and I can't remember a time that Golden Eagle wasn't on the table at my parent's or grandparent's homes. When I grew up and life and work took me away from Alabama, I found that the only place you can get golden Eagle was in Alabama! I was not a happy camper and started having my parents ship me syrup. When my parents became elderly and it was too much work for them to send me syrup... I found that Golden Eagle ships! Hurray! I have had syrup shipped to me wherever I was stationed in the Navy and now to me where I have retired. The last time I visited my parents before they passed, we found that we only lived about 25 miles from the factory so we drove over and took a tour and visited the in store museum. We had a great time.
I have never found any syrup that has the wonderful taste and thick richness that makes Golden Eagle Syrup iconic to anyone in or from Alabama. Every time I use it, it brings back the warmth and love we all had around the breakfast table.
Kristina A
My grandma always kept a jar of Golden Eagle under the kitchen sink. She passed away Christmas day in 2019 and my Dad passed away this past November. It was always a sweet treat on Sunday mornings growing up if they let us get the jar out from under the sink. Since I was missing them both, I decided to place an order since I couldn't find it in Texas. I'm so glad I did because I now get to make it a sweet memory for my son who now loves the syrup. Thank you so much.